Select Application Type


Please select the type of application you wish to lodge with council.

You can lodge more than one application but be aware that no details will be carried over into each application lodgement. Please read each section carefully to ensure that you are entering the correct information. If you are in doubt please contact Council's Development Services Department on 03 6352 6500.

Council also provides a consultation service designed to advise Applicants on the responsibilities of all participants in the Application Approval process and to ensure that the information Applicants have available is sufficient to perform an effective assessment

Whilst we strongly suggest that this service be utilised by Applicants, there will be some instances where a simple phone call will suffice. Requesting a consultation will allow Council to determine what action to take for your specific application. If you choose to request a consultation now, these details will be linked directly to your final Application Lodgement

Lodge Subdivision Application

A subdivision use/development can include the following types;

  • consolidation of multiple titles together to make one large one
  • subdividing a large parcel of land and creating new lots within it
  • adjusting current title boundaries with neighbouring ones, etc

A subdivision plan is typically drawn up by a land surveyor and this plan eventually becomes the new title plan, if approved. New lots that are to be created through a general subdivision must meet the minimum lot size requirements of the Dorset Planning Scheme 1996. More information regarding a possible subdivision on your property can be obtained by contacting Council's Development Services staff on 03 6352 6500.

Lodge Building Application

Unless exempt by the Building/Plumbing Regulations, all building and plumbing work proposed on your property will require permits.

'Building Work' includes, but is not limited to, new, alteration, addition, replacement, relocation, removal, demolition, changing of use, some internal modifications, changes to exits and fire safety systems, changes to buildings that may affect energy efficiency, excavations in preparation for building, placement of shipping container/s.

'Plumbing Work' includes, but is not limited to work associated with relocating a kitchen or bathroom, connecting to reticulated systems and works on septic tanks and absorption drains.

Further information on what needs a permit and estimated cost guide, please click here to view our 'Do You Need a Permit' and 'Cost Estimate Guide' handouts under the Building Information heading, or contact Council's Development Services Department on 03 6352 6500.

Personal Information Protection Statement

Workplace Standards Tasmania (WST) and your local council will collect personal information from you for the purpose of processing this application as required by the Building Act 2000 and the Building Regulations 2004. Failure to provide this information may result in your application not being processed. Personal information will be used for the primary purpose for which it is collected and may be disclosed to other authorised organisations. Your personal information may be disclosed to contractors or agents of WST and your local council, law enforcement agencies, courts and other public sector bodies or organisations authorised to collect it. Personal information will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and may be accessed by the individual to whom it relates on request to WST or to your local council. You may be charged a fee for this service.

Lodge Planning Application

An application for use or development of land in the Dorset Municipality. The Dorset Planning Scheme 1996 provides detailed information regarding what can and cannot be undertaken on property within Dorset. You will need to know the zoning of your property. This can be obtained by contacting Council's Development Services department staff on 03 6352 6500 to ensure that the use or development you are proposing is allowed on your property.

For further information prior to lodgement of your application, please contact the Development Services staff to assist you.